Traffic Cone Art & Design

Suite à la rédaction de mon article Adopt-A-Cone, j’ai découvert que de nombreux artistes utilisent le cône pour créer de magnifiques œuvres.


Traffic Cone Art, Teddy Cruz, Rome, MaxxiTeddy Cruz, Paprika, Dennis Oppenheim, Burning Man, Tomer Diamant, traffic conesClick to enlarge

In the past month I’ve come across a few works made of traffic cones, so I decided to explore more and see what else is out there. Here are some of my favorites; from installations and sculptures to traffic cone inspired graphic design.

From top to bottom and left to right:
Estudio Teddy Cruz’s installation Cultural Traffic at Fondazione Maxxi (top 2 pics); Dennis Oppenheim’s sculpture Safety ConesRescue Bubble by Tomer Diamant at the Royal Botanical Gardens;Crocodile by Allee Willis; 2005 Burning Man installation; Hedgehog, a temporary performance pavilion to raise money for young homeless made of 300 traffic cones on a steel frame by EFGH (x3 photos); Bottom 6 images are part of the World Summit and Congress of Architecture at the Design Expo in Taipei by Paprika, brochure included.

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À propos de emerancega

J'ai 25 ans, une collection de cubes Rubik et un amour inconditionnel pour la littérature.
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Une réponse à Traffic Cone Art & Design

  1. immobilier dit :

    extraordinaire article, merci bien.


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